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Song of the Swords Cast of Characters


Adesh ~ Summerlander. A spice merchant in Talaith. Tabul’s brother.

Ahmbra (Amm-brah) ~ A golden darathi vorsi living in exile. Conceived on Aelinae, she was born in exile and is the last of her kind.

Aislinn al Glennwoods ap Narthvier (Ay-s-lynn) ~ Queen of the Eleri. Aislinn perished in a ShantiMari accident when Rhoane was a young man.

Alasdair (Alice-dare) ~ A faerie servant in the service of Rhoane. Brother to Illanr and Carld.

Alswyth Myrddin (Alls-with Mere-din) ~ Mage with exceedingly long life. Myrddin is the advisor to Empress Lliandra and is often far from court on assignments from the crown. No known children or spouses. No known House.

Amanda ~ Aelan. A young woman living in Talaith with dubious ties to Adesh the spice merchant.

Amdi Agnar ~ Laird of the Ullan tribes. He claimed Kaleigh as his consort and has two sons with her. Descendent of House Agnar.

Anje ap Paderau (Ann-jee ap Pah-der-oo) ~ Duke of Paderau, father to Hayden, husband to Gwyneira (now deceased). Anje is cousin to the Lord of Darkness, and third in line for the Obsidian Throne. His father was brother to Valterys’s father. A prince in his own right, Anje renounced his Dark heritage to live with his wife in the Light. Descendant of House Djeba.

Aomori di Monsenti (A-more-ee di Mon-scent-ee) ~ A young Danuri lord fostering with Tinsley in Paderau. Descendant of House Monsenti.

Armando ~ Summerlander. Lover of Tarro. Whore in Nena’s house. Marissa’s favorite.

Ashanni (A-shawn-ee) ~ A mare Duke Anje gives to Taryn.


Baehlon de Monteferron (Bay-lohn de Mont-fair-on) ~ Danuri and Geigan knight employed by Empress Lliandra, sworn to protect Taryn and her House. Descendant of House Monteferron.

Baldev de Deistra (Ball-dev de Des-tra) ~ King of the Seas. Baldev lives within a vast complex at the bottom of the ocean. Merfolk are believed to be legends as they are not often seen. Once a year, on their naming day, merfolk have the option to walk among the other races on Aelinae. It is unknown if Baldev has ever honored the tradition. Married to Salaria. Father to several daughters and sons. Descendent of House Deistra.

Beary ~ {Master} Unseen character in book one. Advisor to Taryn on household matters.

Beilis (Bay-leesh) ~ Sitari. Second in command to the Chieftess Shandris. Does not trust outsiders.

Bornu (Bore-new) ~ Summerlander. A young boy who works for Adesh.

Brandt Kaj Endion (Brant) ~ Aelan. High Priest of Talaith and advisor to Empress Lliandra, Brandt was commissioned with Taryn’s safety when she was born. After his death, Nadra took Brandt to Dal Tara, (home of the gods), which allows Brandt to communicate with Taryn. House Arran.

Bressal ap Narthvier (Bress-all) ~ Eleri. Second Son to King Stephan and Queen Aislinn (now passed beyond the veils).


Carga ap Narthvier ~ Eleri. Daughter to King Stephan and Queen Aislinn (now passed beyond the veils).

Carina (Ka-reen-a) ~ Aelan. A member of Taryn’s personal guard.

Carld (Car-uld) ~ A faerie maid in the service of King Stephan. Sister to Illanr and Alasdair.

Cashiel (Cash-eel) ~ Second son to Lliandra, fathered by Esna fei Garrith. Given name is Kane, but now goes by Cashiel.

Celia ~ Aelan. Minor noble and Marissa’s favorite until she perished at the Stones of Kaldaar. Descendant of House Deltanna.

Cora ~ Aelan. A maid in the service of Empress Lliandra assigned to Taryn upon her arrival in Talaith.

Crone ~ Ulla woman who gives warning to Taryn in Amdi’s tents. She is killed for her efforts.

Cynda (Sin-dah) ~ A mare Rhoane provides for Taryn.


Daknys (Dak-niss) ~ Elder Goddess. Daughter of Nadra and Ohlin, she is worshipped by the Light and Dark in the central area of Aelinae.

Darius (Dare-ee-us) ~ Artagh, Eleri and Aelan. A page at Celyn Eryri who joins Taryn’s guard.

Darrew (Dare-oo) ~ Danuri lord, Chief Councilor to the Steward of Danuri.

Denzil de Monteferron (Den-zell) ~ Danuri and Geigan. A mercenary hired by Lliandra to patrol Talaith’s docks. Brother to Baehlon.

Deshan Agnar (Day-shawn Ag-nar) ~ Ullan. Deceased laird of the Ullans. Brother to Amdi Agnar.


Ebus (Ee-bus) ~ Race unknown. Spy employed by Taryn and Rhoane. Can see the Shadow Assassin.

Eiric (Err-ic) ~ Danuri. Lover of Zakael.

Eliahnna Tjaru (Ee-lahn-ah Shar-U) ~ Aelan. Daughter of Lliandra. Her heritage is much debated since Lliandra has never publicly named her father. She is third in line to the Light Throne. Descendant of House Nadrene.

Ellie ~ Aelan. A maid in the service of Taryn.

Enghor (Ain-gore) ~ Beast forced to fight Taryn in the Ullan arena. With the legs of a man, chest of an ape, and head of a goat, he is not a creature from Aelinae.

Eoghan ap Narthvier (Eee-gan) ~ Eleri. Third Son to King Stephan and Queen Aislinn (now passed beyond the veils).

Esna fei Garrith (Ez-nah fay Gare-eth) ~ Danurian. Minor noble who attracted Lliandra’s attention. Fathered a son with the empress and Marissa, the crown princess. Was executed for trying to poison the empress. Descendent of House Garrith.


Faelara Dal Arran (Fay-lara) ~ Aelan. Daughter of Brandt, Faelara is currently a lady-in-waiting to Empress Lliandra. Her Healing skills are legendary, as were her father’s. House Arran.

Faisal dei Tarnovo (Fay-sal) ~ Summerlander. Sabina’s father and the king of the Summerlands. House Tarnov.

Fayngaar (Fain-gar) ~ Rhoane’s stallion.


Gameson ~ {Master} Aelan. Head tutor in the service of Empress Lliandra.

Gayvn ~ Taryn’s twin. See ‘Shadow Assassin’.

Gian ap Brenbold (Jawn) ~ A faerie found in Valterys’s dungeon.

Gilchrist (Gill-krisst) ~ Elder darathi vorsi living in exile. Mate to Jinnipher.

Gris ~ Aelan. A kitchen boy in the service of Duke Anje.

Gwainne Agnar (Gw-ayn) ~ First son to Amdi Agnar and his Eleri wife Kaleigh. Heir to the Ullan Laird.

Gwyneira Tjaru ap Paderau (Gwin-eera ap Shar-U) ~ Aelan. Sister to Empress Lliandra, wife of Duke Anje, mother to Hayden. Gwyneira died after childbirth when Hayden was a young man. Houses Nadrene and Djeba.


Hanan ~ A Summerlands spice merchant living in Menurra.

Hayden ap Valen ~ Aelan. Lord Valen, Marquis of the province Valen, son of Anje and Gwyneira. Hayden is cousin to the heirs of the Light Throne and the Obsidian Throne. Descendant of House Djeba.

Herbret ~ Aelan. A minor noble in Talaith’s court and one of Marissa’s favorites until he perished at the Stones of Kaldaar. Descendant of House Gilfroy.


Illanr (Ill-an-or) ~ A faerie maid in the service of King Stephan. Sister to Carld and Alasdair.

Iselt (Ee-selt) ~ A blacksmith at Celyn Eryri with secrets and a past he’s trying to hide. He is half Artagh and half Eleri.


Janeira (Juh-nair-a) ~ An Eleri warrior of great standing, excellent skill, and deadly capabilities.

Jayved dei Tarnovo  (Jay-ved) ~ Summerlands prince. Heir to Faisal and Prateeni. Brother to Sabina.

Jinnipher (Gin-i-fur) ~ A darathi vorsi living in exile. Mate to Gilchrist.

Julieta ~ Younger Goddess. Daughter of Rykoto and Daknys.


Kaida (Kay-da) ~ A grierbas Taryn rescued in the Narthvier. Companion to Taryn ~ they have the ability to speak with each other in their minds. Kaida can track the Shadow Assassin.

Kaldaar (Cal-dar) ~ Elder God. Son of Nadra and Ohlin, worshipped by inhabitants of the Southeast until his banishment after the Great War. Kaldaar hasn’t been seen in Aelinae in over five thousand seasons.

Kaleigh al Fyrnwood ap Agnar (Kay-lee) ~ Eleri. Sheanna living among the Ullans. The sworn concubine to Laird Amdi. Kaleigh has two sons with the laird.

Khrystina (Christina) ~ An Eleri novice studying at Verdaine’s temple in the Narthvier.

Kragor (Kray-gore) ~ Geigan. A brutish man Rhoane fights in the arena.


Lliandra Tjaru (Lee-on-dra Shar-U) ~ Aelan. Empress of Talaith, Lady of Light. Mother to Marissa, Taryn, Eliahnna, and Tessa. Lliandra is directly descended from the goddess Nadra. She is thought to be a just ruler who thinks of her subjects in all matters. House Nadrene.

Loghan Agnar (Logan) ~ Ullan prince. Second son to Amdi Agnar and his Eleri wife Kaleigh. Acclaimed healer. His entire body is covered in tattooes that are meant to aid in his healing.

Lorilee ~ Aelan. A maid in the service of Taryn. Sister to Mayla.

Lucitan (Loose-eh-tahn) ~ Rhoane’s Ullan stallion, given to him by Amdi Agnar.


Marissa Tjaru (Shar-U) ~ Aelan. Crown Princess of Talaith, heir to the Light Throne, daughter of Lliandra and Esna (not named in books one or two). Descendant of House Nadrene.

Mayla ~ Aelan. A maid in the service of Duke Anje. Sister to Lorilee.

Margaret Tan ~ Geigan. Seamstress to Empress Lliandra, she often travels with the court. Her tailoring skills are said to be admired in all the kingdoms.

Marina ~ Summerlander. A maid in the service of Marissa.

Matilde ~ Aelan. Amanda’s mother. Lives in Talaith with dubious ties to Adesh the spice merchant.

Micha Askell (Mike-uh Ask-elle) ~ Aelan. Baehlon’s intended wife. Daughter of Lord Askell. House Askell.

Michel (Michael) ~ Ullan. Young boy who found Taryn on the shores of the Jansen Strait.


Nadra ~ Mother of Aelinae, Great Mother of all Creation. Along with Ohlin, Nadra created Aelinae. Mother to Daknys, Rykoto, Kaldaar, and Verdaine.

Nena ~ Race unknown. Owner of a house of prostitution in Talaith.

Nikki ~ Sitari. Companion and beloved to Shandris, Chieftess of the Sitari. Healer.

Nikosana ~ Black and tan Ullan stallion given to Taryn at the Light Celebrations by Duke Anje.


Ohlin (O-lynn) ~ Father of Aelinae, Great Father of all Creation. Along with Nadra, Ohlin created Aelinae. Father to to Daknys, Rykoto, Kaldaar, and Verdaine.

Oliver ~ Aelan. A servant in the service of Hayden, Lord Valen.


Percival ~ Marissa and Armando’s child. He was born in secret and only a few know of his existence. Since male heirs are unwelcome at the Crystal Court, Taryn gave him to Armando to raise.

Phantom ~ An unknown entity manipulating Celia, Herbret, and Marissa. The phantom is thought to be an agent of Kaldaar.

Prateeni dei Tarnovo (Pruh-teen-ee) ~ Summerlander. Sabina’s mother and the Queen of the Summerlands. House Tarnov.



Rhoane al Glennwoods ap Narthvier (Rone) ~ Eleri. First Son of Stephan, King of the Eleri, and Aislinn, Queen of the Eleri (now passed beyond the veils). At birth Rhoane was prophesied to be the Eirielle’s protector. When he was old enough, he took an oath forsaking all others and devoting his life to upholding Verdaine’s prophecy.

Rykoto (Ree-ko-toe) ~ Elder God. Son of Nadra and Ohlin, worshipped by inhabitants of the Northwest and of the Dark. Rykoto was imprisoned in the Temple of Ardyn after the Great War.


Sabina dei Tarnovo ~ Summerlander. Daughter of King Faisal and Queen Prateeni. Currently fostering with Empress Lliandra in Talaith. Sabina’s ShantiMari was unlocked after the ordeal at the Stones of Kaldaar. Descendant of House Tarnov.

Saeko (Say-koh) ~ A maid in the service of Taryn.

Shadow Assassin ~ Taryn’s twin brother. Stillborn, he was stolen from the Crystal Palace the night Taryn was born. His master raised him to hunt Taryn. He is used as an anchor to the god Kaldaar.

Shandris (Shawn-driss) ~ Sitari. Chieftess to the Sitari. Skilled warrior and benevolent leader.

Stephan ap Narthvier ~ King of the Eleri. Direct descendant from Verdaine. Married to Aislinn. Father to Rhoane, Bressal, Carga, and Eoghan. Stephan firmly believes the Eleri are stronger on their own, away from the other races of Aelinae. He opposes the Verdaine’s prophecy regarding his son, Rhoane.

Sulein ap Lorn (Sue-lain) ~ An Artagh living in Talaith.


Tabul (Tah-buhl) ~ Summerlander. Spice merchant from Paderau.

Tarro (Tare-O) ~ Danuri. Assistant to Margaret Tan. Lover of Armando.

Taryn Rose Galendrin (Tare-in) ~ Daughter of Lliandra, Empress of Talaith, Lady of Light and Valterys, Overlord of the West, Lord of the Dark. Raised on Earth, Taryn grew up unaware of Aelinae, believing Brandt was her grandfather and only family. House Galendrin.

Tessa Tjaru (Shar-U) ~ Aelan. Daughter of Lliandra and Razlog (not named in books one or two). She is fourth in line to the Light Throne. Descendant of House Nadrene.

Timor (Tim-or) ~ Aelan. A member of Taryn’s personal guard.

Tinsley Alcath (Tins-lee All-koth) ~ Aelan. A young lord with business ties to Duke Anje and is often at Paderau Palace. Descendant of House Alcath.

Troyanna Djeba ~ Aelan Wife to Valterys Djeba, mother to Zakael. House Djeba.

Tudyk (Too-dic) ~ Aelan. Sword Master in the service of Empress Lliandra.



Valterys Djeba (Val-terr-iss D-jj-ay-ba) ~ Aelan. Overlord of the West, Lord of the Dark. Father to Taryn and Zakael. Valterys is directly descended from the god Ohlin. He rules his kingdom with a tight grasp on its economy and trade. His subjects think of him favorably. House Djeba.

Verdaine (Vare-dane) ~ Elder Goddess. Daughter of Nadra and Ohlin, she is worshipped by the Eleri in the Narthvier.





Zakael Djeba (Zah-K-ay-el D-jj-ay-ba) ~ Aelan. King of the West. Son of Valterys and Troyanna (not named in books one or two). Descendant of House Djeba.

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